WarBlading …
It was a very cool experience last night … I went WarBlading for the first time … and it worked! Although the temperatures were very hot, and the machine croaked a couple of times, I was able to rollerblade around Salt Lake City last night with my Xybernaut wearable computer, with a GPS connected, running NetStumbler, searching for 802.11b access points …

What really hit me is that this is going to be big … very big … and goes far beyond mapping 802.11b access points … just wait. 😉

SOAP Service Directories … appearing on the net …
The appearance of more SOAP Service “registries” or “directories” reminds me of watching the early Internet as the first web sites appeared that listed other web sites on the net … the beginnings of Yahoo!, Excite and Lycos … and many that are no longer around. What we are now seeing is the “web services” version of this … the beginnings of sites where software can look for software … the beginnings of something Kurzeilian … 😉

http://www.mysantra.com has a good Web Services search engine, which does include all services found in UDDI, SalCentral, and XMethods. You can even compare the services against each other for properties such as Uptime availability (reliability), operations, etc.

[Robert Scoble: Scobleizer Weblog]

Group Outlines … an interesting idea …
This is a cool variation of Esthers article about the conference blogging. The idea that a group of people would build an over all conference outline in real-time … multiple people contributing to the construction of an outline of notes … is very cool. I like this idea of a new form of potential collaboration …

Masukomi sees a connection between instant outlines and conferences.  [Scripting News]

Human forms of real-time telemetry …
This is an excellent article with a prime example of the future implications of mobile/wireless networking and various applications. Esther is writing about what occurred at one of her conferences when some of the attendees were blogging in real time during the conference … providing real-time “telemetry” about the conference proceedings.

We started to do this type of things years ago at Novell when we would use Instant Messaging and Chat during internal road-map review meetings. A large group of us were able to multiplex between the presentations and our group anaylsis without generating verbal side conversations. This also allowed us to ask questions and opinions between the members of our team to minimize the need to interupt the speaker.

All of this culminated with an application that I wrote called LiVote … for Live-Vote … that was an experiment in allowing a group of people to see a group of questions about a presenter or their presentation. Under each issue is a slider that allows each person to “vote” on that issue and rate it between 0 and 10. Below each slider is a bar graph that shows the “average” rating of all of the voters. So I can now be giving real-time feedback on my opinions … to my team … and potentially to the speaker!

I have thought about completing this application in a way that could be utilized at future conferences. Maybe I’ll have to bring it back to life and touch base with Dan Gilmore about it … 😉

Esther Dyson on the connection between blogging and face to face conferences.  [Scripting News]

Growing interest in REAL digital identity …
After my experiences at Novell with digital identity, I quickly realized that it’s a tough vision to communicate without having the whole subject tainted with corporate profit making mentalities. What’s funny, is that those exact mentalities are what will prevent their architectures from ever being successful!

This is a very cool effort that I am going to be following, and that I am going to get involved in. Once digital identity moves outside of Novell, Microsoft, Sun, AOL, etc. it will be able to evolve in a more natural framework that mirrors reality.

RFC: Sponsored Feature Section on Digital Identity. I have a proposal for the site, that I’d like your comments and thoughts on. Jabber.com founder Andre Durand and ISPCON founder Phil Becker recently started a new website called DigitalIDWorld.com. K5er Adam Theo is also working with them, and thought that the subject of digital identity would be something other K5ers might have some interest in, and perhaps we could arrange some kind of syndication agreement. I talked to Andre and Phil a few times, and below is what we came up with. We all think it has a lot of potential, but as always, you make the final call as to what’s good for K5. So read on for the idea, and let us know what you think of it. [kuro5hin.org]

Peer to peer secure connections …
It is great to see more and more work on VPN solutions being developed in the public domain. I truly believe that these are the technologies that are going to provide a freedom in communications between communities and their members, communities and other communities, and between individuals.

LinVPN 2.4 (Stable). Allows you to create a VPN (Virtual Private Network) from Linux to Linux. [freshmeat.net]

Time between posting …
I am starting to learn that my weblog provides a good display of time for me. I can’t believe that it has been almost a month since I caught up on my back-log of reading, and made my last posts.

I have been having a lot of fun though … and am about to venture out and make some more changes to my blog page. I have been in contact with a few open source projects … working on some digital identity work, and getting NoCat working for our http://80211.net project. I also was able to buy and install a new keyboard on my laptop which is making typing a lot easier! I had started to learn whole new ways of typing when my left-hand CTRL and Shift keys started to fail. 😉

Overall the last month has been a blast … I had a few trips on the road – New York to Chase Manhatten for work on a disaster recovery solution – Silicon Valley for the Foresight Institute Senior Associates Gathering and a series of analyst and partner meetings with Vultus. The more I have been working with Vultus the more I am learning about the implications of the Web Services revolution … giving me lots of ideas about the future.

I also ended up doing a couple of presentations on Wearable Computers … one for the State of Utah School systems “Test-out” Challenge talking to a lot of high school students from across the state … another for the Utah Computer Society. I’m also meeting with a variety of companies on my “mesh network” ideas … one that is implementing a last mile solution – UINetworks – and another making some inexpensive radios that will provide me with some peer-to-peer wireless that I have been looking for.

Lastly … I’m completing some work on my video/photo kiosk ideas, my wearables, and my location-based services applictions. Oh yeah … and I have a baby coming in September, so I have been learning a lot about what to expect with fatherhood!

It’s been a fun month … and it’s going to be a fun summer …

Thoughts on Digital Identity …
I read the following article and immediately visited the new DigitalIDWorld web site … it’s a very good start. I read a number of their posts, and had the following thoughts that I forwarded to Andre …

This is a very powerful conversation, and I like the way that you have started to examine identity. I would really enjoy exploring this entire space with you as I have done some extensive thinking about digital identity over the last several years.

For some background, I was the original architect of digitalme at Novell several years ago. This project was the result of my research into directories and presence/instant messaging and how they relate to, and can be used in, digital identity management. Since leaving Novell I have continued my research and development of digital identity and identity management applications.

One of the core issues that I came across in my original research was that identity was always related to communities or organizations. Your “tiers” also indicate that you are on the same track. You are moving down some of the same paths that we explored when creating digitalme … that there are many different forms of identity. I want to offer some of my current frameworks and “axioms” for an extended conversation to explore this further.

  • Consider the possibility that no one has any inherent identity. Identity is not something that we have, it is something that we are given by others … usually communities or organizations. If you were to examine the Latin roots of the word “identity” you would find that it comes from “similar to” or “same as”. In our modern world we have failed to distinguish this subtle aspect of our own language. If we view a part of our identity as something that we are “similar to”, then we can see that we are not “6 feet tall”, but instead we are “similar to something that a bunch of us call 6 feet tall”. In my opinion, this is one of the most important distinctions in exploring identity because it then begs the questions “Then how did I get to be 6 feet tall?” and “Who is this ‘bunch of us’ that are saying I’m 6 feet tall?”
  • Consider the possibility that all of our identity is given to us by the various communities that we are a member of … including our families. Attributes of identity are all forms of language and measurement of an individual … comparisons to concepts that are known to a community. Again, some group of people made the choice that a “foot” was the term used to name the length of a physical piece of material. That same group also gave the name “six” to a specific count of elements, and when combining the two and looking at you they said that you are “six feet”. If we were to leave the context of this community and travel to a foreign land we might find that they do not have a “foot” and so that identity of yours doesn’t even exist to them. This then opens up the conversation about context of identity.
  • Consider the possibility that you have no identity outside the context of a community. Every attribute of your identity only exists within the context of the community that gave it to you. It might exist in another community, however only if that community has a relationship with the community that gave you that identity. For example, in the United States you have a Social Security Number, and it only exists in the context of the US. Since my bank has a relationship with the US, and they have also been given a Federal Tax ID number, these attributes of identity exist for us both in the context of the US and in our business relationship. Likewise, since many communities have adopted the common identity measurement of height using feet, my height is valid in the context of numerous communities around the world.
  • Consider the possibility that you started to accumulate identity the moment that you were conceived, and will continue to accumulate identity after you have died! Again, if we agree that identity is given to you by the communities that you interact with, then that interaction began upon conception, and people will continue to give you identity in their conversations about you after you die. If we go back to when you were born the community of your family gave you what we think is the first piece of identity that you get … your name! In most cases though, the delivering doctor or nurse might have already started to give you identity before your name by defining the medical and physical attributes about you before handing you to your parents! In addition, after you die, there are all of the documents and certificates that are generated that people will assign to you … adding to your identity. If they then start to clean out your house, they might find things that you left behind that continue to be added to your identity!
  • Consider the possibility that real identity management will become a reality when we can create applications which will accumulate your entire lifetime of identity, managing the relationships with the communities that gave identity to me. These applications will automate the process of requesting and granting identity, keeping identity information in sync, and allowing for historical searching of identity. (What were my last three addresses for this credit app?)

I believe that there is an abstraction of identity that we have created that allows us to view your three tiers as one and the same. This is really an exploration of the fundamentals of the human experience, and an ontological study. If we step back and truly examine what it is to be human, and a part of various communities, then a solid model for digital identity management begins to emerge. What’s funny is that the process of identity creation and granting has been going on since humans existed and they are all around us. Most people just don’t see them because they have become so commonplace.

These are the areas that I have been researching and developing solutions. I currently have my third generation of an application that begins to define the high-level “protocol” of identity transactions, and then the accumulation and management of that information.

I look forward to discussing these subjects further with you!

Scott C. Lemon

RFC: Sponsored Feature Section on Digital Identity. I have a proposal for the site, that I’d like your comments and thoughts on. Jabber.com founder Andre Durand and ISPCON founder Phil Becker recently started a new website called DigitalIDWorld.com. K5er Adam Theo is also working with them, and thought that the subject of digital identity would be something other K5ers might have some interest in, and perhaps we could arrange some kind of syndication agreement. I talked to Andre and Phil a few times, and below is what we came up with. We all think it has a lot of potential, but as always, you make the final call as to what’s good for K5. So read on for the idea, and let us know what you think of it. [kuro5hin.org]

More support for DSML and LDAP Directories …
As we started to renew our efforts on digital identity, we quickly embraced the DSML standard as an xML solution for representing directory information. These tools appear to be a very endorsement of the DSML standard and can assist Java developers in writing more and more directory enabled applications.

Open-source DSML tools. Gerv
Markham has released DSML Tools,
a suite of open-source Java
utilities for handling Directory Services Markup
Language (DSML) data. [xmlhack]