Hardware virtualization layer …

This article reminded me of the original Microsoft presentations on NT
and the Hardware Abstration Layer (HAL) that they were creating.
This is a good interview that covers a topics that is very important to
the coming virtualization products. It is projects like this that
are going to continue to push virtualization to be more and more real.

Interview with Philippe Gerum. This is an interview of Philippe Gerum, co-leader of the Adeos project.
The purpose of Adeos is to provide a flexible environment for sharing
hardware resources among multiple operating systems, or among multiple
instances of a single OS. [Advogato]

More NetWare to Linux conversion

This last weekend I completed a one year project to migrate my core
mail services from Novell NetWare.  And it ended up going
amazingly smooth!

I run a mail server that is hosting e-mail for a number of domains, and
a large number of personal friends.  Over a year ago, as spam
became more and more of an issue, I realized that I was going to have
to move to a more “main stream” operating system and e-mail service to
gain the latest features.  I had been running the Mercury mail
server for years … however it lacked many things.

I started to look at the services that I wanted to support, and one of
those was the option to easily run TMDA.  From there … I found

I was told that installing qmail was a pain, however I quickly located
the “LazyInstaller” for qmail … and it worked smoothly.  It
fetched the packages, built and installed the code, and even added
various options and patches that I wanted on the server – anti-spam,
SSL, IMAP, Web Management, etc.

As of Friday, I rolled the MX records on my server to the new qmail
server … there were a few hitches that I had to fix.  By
Saturday I rolled the CN records to point to the new server.  As
of Monday of this week … I am now running on qmail … with almost no
spam coming in … and all of my users in business.

I’ll post more of my experience from this week …

WISP.Org Forums are coming on line …

We have the initial WISP.Org Forums
taking shape on our web site.  Please stop over and take a look at
the topics that we are creating.  Again, our goal is to create a WISP information resource
…  a place to discuss more than just the technical subjects, but
even more on the business choices and options … and impacts.  We
are also looking for any good tutorials that can be added to the site
to assist WISPs in learning more about upcoming solutions and business
opportunities.  We have already added WiMAX and MANET/Mesh forums
to provide information on how these solutions might contribute to an
overall WISP network.

We are also actively looking for moderators and contributors.  If
you want to lead discussions and have some expertise in a particular
topic, let us know!  If you just want to jump in and start a good
conversation, please feel free.  We also have a variety of authors
who are looking to contribute articles for the home page.  If you
would like to submit an article to be posted, please forward it to us.

We are open to ideas and assistance … we want WISP.Org to truly be a valuable resource.

WISPCON VI in Las Vegas

was held last week – October 27th-29th – in Las Vegas, Nevada. It
was a great show, and demonstrated the constant evolution of the WISP
market. There were course during the show that covered a broad
range of topics, and the Trade Show provided vendors with a place to
show what they are up to.

One of the biggest things that I noticed at the show is that the sizes
of WISPs continues to grow with more and more customers signing up for
Wireless vs. DSL or Cable. There were numerous WISPs present that
had 1000+ customers … a sign of serious networking. And that
led to the next thing that I noticed: WISPs are growing up and
getting serious about business.

There have always been the larger serious players, however more and
more of the smaller WISPs are now moving to new classes of wireless
equipment, and adding new back-office capabilities. WISPs are
getting serious about FCC certified equipment, and the quality of
service they deliver to their customers. They are automating
network management, billing, and customer service.

All of this is great news for WISP.Org … as we continue to move
forward to our December 1st roll out. We are looking to provide
the broad range of business information and expertise to assist the
growing WISP to better understand the market, and their options!

The real game of bin Laden

There are few people that can really understand the breadth of the
campaign that al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden are waging against the
United States of America.  This CNN article, about bin Laden’s newest message,
is a good indicator of what we are up against.  We are living in a
day and age where he is using extremely powerful patterns of attack …
not against us as individuals or our armies … but against our economy
and overall will as a nation.

Every time that I hear people minimize the value of being in Iraq, or
even our efforts in Afghanistan, I can’t believe that they realize who
we are up against.  We are living in an age where a group of
people felt that it was “appropriate” to issue “a warning” to our
country by flying jetliners filled with human beings, into skyscrapers
filles with human beings … killing thousands of them.  I have no
idea what people are thinking … a warning??  This was flat out
murder.  It was a blatant attack, and one that occurred on our

The amazing thing to me is that few of the American people seem to see
the long-term economic impact that the attacks on the World Trade
Center has caused.  There are the occasional news blurbs on the
victims being paid for their losses.  There are also the issues
that we see from time to time about the American airlines and their
negotiations with government and unions.  But few people are
really aware that the attacks of 9/11 caused differences in our
country, our freedoms, and our economy that will never be
corrected.  My children will never experience the world that I
grew up with … not that I expected that the world would not be
different … however I have to admit that I did not think they would
grow up in a world where the attacks of 9/11 would be diminished so
quickly in the press and the minds of the average American.  We
are now living in a new age where there are going to be more of these
acts of brutality … unless someone takes aggressive moves toput a stop to it.

Our way of life is under attack … I am not a person who feels that
falling back into a defensive position is how to deal with these
attacks.  We are going to see more of them … until we choose to
destroy the source of them.  If we don’t destroy it … it will
destroy us.  For those of us who believe that “destroy” is too
harsh a word … then consider the possibility that the consequences
for behavior that generates attacks like 9/11 have to become too severe
for the behavior to continue.