Another thought before bed …

No matter what occurs, I want you to know that I am committed to your
life. I want to ensure that you learn how to work for what you
want, and to respect all of the people around … even those who you do
not think that you like.

We are all humans, and we are all striving for good. We do what
we think is right, and often we do not distinguish the consequences and
impacts of our choices. I know that my choice is having a very
tough impact on your mother … and I feel for her. It makes me
very sad. Her choices are having a huge impact on me, and on you
and I being together. This also makes me sad.

I do know, however, that at some point in the future we will get beyond
this, and we will be able to see new possibilities. We will begin
a new life … in a new form. And I again am committed to that
life being great.

I am actually afraid of what Monday will bring. I have to meet
with two lawyers, and pick which one will represent me, and us … our
future together. Father and Son.

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