DOD and cyborg moths … work in progress …

I always love to read articles like this one.  It reminds me of the level of R&D going on in the world today.  In the area of man/machine ionterfaces, we are making great strides … for all sorts of possible uses.

This particular article touches on the details of insect/machine interfaces.  We are now funding projects to create cyborg moths that could one day be used for spy missions, and maybe even weapons targeting.  Imagine as we get the ability to remote control these moths, and also ustilize embedded cameras and sensors to see what is around them.

We are quickly moving into interesting times. Can cyborg moths bring down terrorists?
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA is growing moths around a computer chip implanted when the creature was still in the cocoon, meaning that the moths entire nervous system can be controlled remotely. Rodney Brooks, director of…

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