Weblogging … a truly “humaneural” application …
This is a very good article, and outlines some of the benefits of “weblogging” … which I see as another step in the direction of “humaneural” applications.

A “humaneural” application is one which improves the effectiveness of communications with a community of people. It is an application which begins to mirror the neural structures of the brain. A neuron has the ability to monitor hundreds or thousands of other neurons, and then generate it’s own output signals. In the case of weblogging, when coupled with an application like Radio from Userland, this same architecture can be mirrored …

What become amazing is the concept of Internet attached devices which will generate weblogs that can be subscribed to. If you are not watching weblogging, Radio, and Userland … you might want to!

WTF is Weblogging

Chris Ashley has written one of the best articles I’ve seen about Weblogging, Really Simple Syndication and the communities that these systems create and cultivate. It’s no surprise that his site links to Peter Ford, who I’ve been working with on integrating weblogging into education. If you want to know what Weblogging is all about then put this on your reading list.

[Adam Curry: CurryDotCom]

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