Migration to Radio 8.0.8 …

I have just completed my migration from Radio 7 to Radio 8 . It
has been a long time coming, and was quite a pain to do. There
were far too many details that I had to manage … I wish they would
have had some sort of upgrade program. They actually did … it
upgraded the blog database and some other things. It left my HTML
templates to me, and the HTML templates were not compatible between

I’m postin this tonight to watch and see that my new format is
working. I still have one more change that I want to make to the
item template. I might try it tonight.

I actually ran into a nasty problem last night, however I believe that
I now have that resolved. I had modified the opening “body” tag
to add a new background image. When I commented out an older
attempt at this (it includes a Radio macro to reference the images
folder correctly) it seemed that Radio had a real issue with processing
the macros when they existed inside of commented HTML.

Anyhow … back to blogging …

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