Impressive Internet statistics … evidence of much …
I came across this web site on another stock discussion thread. I really liked the statistics and information that is provided here for a few reasons.

The original post was made about measuring the impacts of the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center on the Internet and Internet connectivity. The writer commented on the hundreds of networks which were effected during that fateful Tuesday event. The measurements of the BGP routing tables were used to see what occurred.

Obviously this relates directly to ways that we can monitor, manage, and maintain the human organism that we are creating. The mass connectivity that is forming at a global level, can now be looked at in many new ways, and I can envision when we have new tools which will relate the various networks to the services that are provided by them. This will then provide information on where redundancy makes sense, and where we are going to want to build in extra security services.

The last area that I can see here is the relation to the Singularity. If you are following the writing on the Singularity then you might have seen the work of Ray Kurzweil and his propositions on the measuring of accelerating change. He has presented a series of graphs which measure various attributes of human evolution and technological evolution. If you look a these graphs of BGP route increases, you’ll recognize the predictable pattern …

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