Old article with some good points …
This is actually a reference to an older iBM publication (November 1999), however it does contain some good points. There are two areas that I would argue.

First is the issue of special purpose computers for these types of applications. I would argue that this is a “scarcity” conversation, and suggests that general purpose computers and CPUs will not become just as small, lightweight, and powerful as other types of systems. I believe that general purpose computing platforms will continue to decrease in size and power requirements so that they will become the platform of choice for wearable computers.

The second area that I would debate is not that of the content of the applications described, but the platform that they will run on. In the examples given – paramedic and firefighter applications – I can see these as applications running on a general purpose computing platform, and general purpose OS.

With the increasing power of these platforms, and the general applicability of their software, there will be little reason to “minimize” the capabilities of the wearable computer.

Analyzing Application Requirements In Wearable Computer Interfaces [Nooface: In Search of the Post-PC Interface]

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