Kim’s Law’s of Identity …

I like the direction that Kim is taking with his “Law’s of Identity”.
I had started a list a while ago of my “Axioms of Identity” … I’m
going to dig them up and elaborate on them. They actually will
dovetail nicely with what Kim is creating.

With his first law, Kim covers “The Owner Decides …”
which is common sense to those in the space. There are, however,
some complexities to this scenario. I agree with it, but there
are deep assumptions that we operate on top of … many of which I
would suggest are false. We just don’t see it in everyday life.

I believe that if we look deeper into what “identity” is, and where it
comes from, we are able to build much more powerful models to develop
software around. If we operate from an incomplete model, we’ll
always end up dealing with inconsistancies … and these are the
indications of the incomplete model. The most important thing is
to study and understand the language that we use … all identity comes
from communication. I love language and words …

I’ll see if I can post my “First Axiom of Identity” tonight … I’ve
got a couple of things going on, but the kids are almost in bed.

Also … I like “The Owner Chooses” better than “The Owner Decides” …
purely from an empowerment perspective. If we look at the roots of the word “decide”
we’ll see that it really means “to cut off” … to take a path by
“cutting off” all others. To go in a direction after “killing
off” all alternatives.

Choice is defined as “to select freely and after consideration” … a much more empowering perspective … IMHO. I know … some will say nit-picking,
however I believe in the power that language has over us … and feel
that we often limit ourselves using less powerful words. If you
want to hear others in science talk about this … go see the movie “What the BLEEP do we know!?”

P.S. I look forward to talking more with Dave Kearns about Identity and Persona.
It seems to me that Persona is the “social facade” that we create …
the story that we have about ourselves. To me, Identity is more
the “sameness in all that constitutes the objective reality of a
thing”. More on this in my Axioms …

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