Apache and IIS on Windows Server 2003, Part 2

I made some progress, and learned more about installing both of these
applications on Windows Server 2003.  First, if you use the
command “netstat -an” you can see the ports that are in use.  I
actually knew about netstat, however it was the “-an” option that
revealed the core information.

That piece of information was that both Apache and IIS both claim port
80 – in its entirety – across all IP addresses … no matter what the
settings in the various configuration files lead you to believe. 
Upon reading the documentation about Apache on Windows,  there is a note that is not completely clear:

Because Apache cannot share the same port with another TCP/IP
application, you may need to stop, uninstall or reconfigure certain other
services before running Apache. These conflicting services include other WWW
servers and some firewall implementations.

I would not have believe that this is the case even on different IP addresses. 
But this is the case.  So there is no way (that I can find) to
install both of these products, on different IP addresses, on the same
machine.  Done.

Ok, so then what is the solution?  I have now found two ways to
resolve my situation.  First, I experimented with creating a
virtual server in IIS that is simply a redirect to Apache on a
different port.  So I installed Apache on port, and
then configured IIS on with a redirect to  This worked!

The second solution is even better for my purposes.  I was
actually installing this to get a “JAM” application … Java, Apache,
MySQL … installed.  The actual configuration is for Apache to be
the web server, it uses mod_jk to connect to Tomcat, and the Tomcat is the Java container.  The Java application is what accesses MySQL through JDBC.

As I was reading on the configuration of  Tomcat I found that
there is an IIS version of mod_jk!  The mod_jk
isapi_redirector.dll will allow me to directly connect IIS to Tomcat
without requiring Apache … duh!  I should have figured that
someone would have written such a connector.

I’ll update the progress on Monday or Tuesday … I downloaded the
components, but ran out of time to get this new method installed and

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