GoBinder SDK … Alpha Code

Things are starting to heat up here at Agilix Labs as the GoBinder SDK
is now reaching good Alpha stages.  I just installed the first cut
of the GoBinder SDK (build 931) on my Virtual PC Windows XP machine …
and it’s up and running!

The core functionality is there and working, and we even have the first
sample “File System Sync Provider” in place to test with.  I’m now
beginning the process of writing my own plug-ins … as a test of the
new platform, and my own skills!  🙂

It’s cool to see things coming along nicely, and we’ll soon have some
developer forums in place for the SDK.  I’m also going to be
looking for some developers who want to join an “early release” program
and beta test our SDK.  We’re looking for .NET developers who want
to create some cool plug-ins for our product launch later this
year.  If you are interested, send me an e-mail:  scott.lemon
[at] agilix.com

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